"A great flame follows a little spark"
As a master synthesizer, Charn deftly blends his hard-won leadership experiences with the cutting-edge knowledge at his disposal as a professor of management. His talks are tailored towards leaders, and those aspiring to leadership roles. As a thought leader, his research has reached not only the pages of academic journals, but the likes of Harvard Business Review and MIT's Sloan Management Review. With a keen understanding of how to use humor and practical examples to make complex topics understandable, the audience will walk away
I only coach those leaders who value integrity and genuinely care about their followers. If that describes you, then I am ready to help improve your leadership skillset through training in everything from basic leader skills (e.g., communication) to the more advanced skills (e.g., organizational politics, authenticity) necessary to succeed at the highest levels.
The first thing you'll notice is how much I love to work with leaders.
The first thing you'll notice is how much Charn loves to work with leaders. Whether it be speaking or coaching, he is motivated by the belief that improving leaders' skills and abilities results in their employees feeling empowered and more confident.
Charn synthesizes a wealth of diverse leadership experiences with the knowledge gained while earning his PhD.
Charn graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and after completing flight school, served in various leadership positions from Platoon Leader to Troop Commander. Over the course of two deployments to Iraq and over 1,200 combat hours flown as an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior pilot, Charn amassed a wealth of practical leadership experience in both extreme and mundane situations.
During his second deployment to Iraq, then Captain McAllister served as the liaison to the Iraqi Air Force stationed in Baghdad. Under his leadership and through months of negotiations, Charn planned and executed the first joint flight by U.S. and Iraqi forces (Operation Handshake) over Baghdad.
Charn's military decorations include a bronze star, the combat action badge, several air medals, and XXXX.
My teaching style is all about developing positive relationships with each of my students. Through a blend of personal attention and encouragement, I try to establish a classroom environment that encourages free thought, discussion, and debate. The goal of each course is not just to learn a little bit about management, but to learn how you can be the best version of yourself - because your future subordinates deserve nothing less than your absolute best.
Courses Taught
Student comments

Organizational Behavior
Leading with Character

Student Evaluations
"His kindness and genuine love for academics and us students is apparent and infectious."
"I learned so much throughout this semester and I feel like I'm leaving a better version of myself because of this class."
"This has been one of, if not the most, rewarding classes I have taken in my collegiate career."
"You make that classroom so warm and inviting people feel comfortable enough to share. I think this is such an important thing because students can also learn so much from one another, but without that kind of environment, no one wants to raise their hands and share personal things about themselves."